Telephone Codes

Telephone Codes - The area code for Niagara Falls is 905. All local numbers in Canada require 9 digits with 1 added for long distance calls.

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Almost all phone numbers in the Niagara Region are local calls. A call to Hamilton (50 km) or Toronto (90 km) are long distance calls. A recorded message will be heard if you have dialed a long distance number and will provide you will redialing instuctions.

Direct Dial

If you are placing a call within Canada or the United States, direct dialing is : (i.e. 1.905.555.1212)

If you are calling from outside North America, you call directly dial to Ontario numbers.Simply use the international access code 00 if you are calling from most countries in Europe and 0011 if you are calling from Australia. Then dial our country code 1, the area code and the number.


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