Queen Victoria Place Restaurants

Queen Victoria Place Restaurants - Great view, good food and reasonable prices.

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Edgewater's Tap & Grill When you get hungry from sightseeing along the Falls, Edgewater's Tap & Grill is opposite the American Falls, at Queen Victoria Place.

Enjoy a superb view of the American Falls while unwinding in the casual, relaxed atmosphere, inside or out on the patio.

The Menu features popular dishes at reasonable prices. The lunch selection has lighter fare with their evening menu featuring their signiture entrees.

Edgewater's Tap & Grill
6342 Niagara Parkway,
Niagara Falls, On
(905) 356-2217

Riverview Market Eatery Relax in the garden like athmosphere. And go earier on your wallet with their inexpensive self-serve menu.

Choose from their self-serve selection of sandwiches, salads, pastas, and burgers. Menu

Right opposite the American Falls at Queen Victoria Park.

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